Dysfunctional breakfast

Is anyone else extremely disappointed in this season’s Bachelorette finale? I know I am. Ben F. was so adorable and sweet and open and he picked out the most killer ring I have ever seen in my entire life. And he could’ve provided her with most delicious wine for the rest of her life. Seriously, my heart broke the second that I realized that they were not going to end up together. I’m crossing all of my fingers and toes that he’s the next Bachelor so I can see more of the cutie patootie!

Please to marry me, I am so open and vulnerable


Yesterday’s run was less than stellar. I stayed up until 3:30 am catching up on Bachelorette episodes/So You Think You Can Dance episodes. So when my alarm started going crazy on my bedside table, I blearily-eyed hit snooze a few times. And then finally dragged my lazy butt out of bed, got dressed to run, and made my way to the trails.

However, it was already 23898339 degrees. It got hot fast yesterday and stayed hot (as in, I was driving back from Target at 8:30 pm and it was still 96. WTF).

My schedule called for 4 miles. Since I’m not really sure of the mileage on the trails yet, I ran for 40 minutes and assumed that I managed at least a ten minute pace (although I suspect it was slightly faster, but who really knows). Some of the hills on the route I did yesterday were killer. They’re long and steep-ish, and sleepy me had to stop and walk for 30 seconds multiple times. I also stopped when I looped past back my car…the heat was brutal, even in the shade, and I desperately needed water. I assumed (again with these assumptions) that I didn’t need to bring my awesome new handheld water bottle with me since I usually don’t drink on runs less than an hour but that was clearly a sweaty mistake.

All in all, it was a not too shabby run.

Although I admit being tired let to me eating an entire small pizza and frozen yogurt for dinner. It was a mistake, my body did not enjoy it, and I am moving on. And that is that.

At least you taught me to be open...

Today’s run was leaps and bounds better than yesterday’s run, despite the fact that I hit snooze for 45 minutes and started running 30 minutes later than I had planned. But I chugged an Illy cappuccino…the kind that comes in a can and tastes like pure heaven…and headed out the door. I managed a 4.38 mile run (according to Map My Run). So basically, I confirmed the fact that I’m a slow poke compared to my former self but a 9.07 pace isn’t all that awful considering the route I ran consists of only up or down. And it’s hot. So I tell myself that if it were not 80 degrees I’d perform better. I tell myself that.

You ate *what* for breakfast?!

And then I came home, turned on Brav0 (yay, more Millionaire Matchmaker!!!), stretched, and ate blue corn chips and queso for breakfast. 

And I have to say, it. was. delicious.