Me versus the bagel

I wish I could say I were out running. But instead I am participating in the sort of marathon that only requires my brain, coffee, and half a semester’s worth of notes: a studying marathon.

I’ve got my butt parked at a bench in Panera with a mug of coffee and an obscene amount of notebooks, papers, and pens around me.

I thought about staying home to study so I could also get some laundry done (gag) but I thought that an endless flow of decaf coffee and a delicious bagel would help get my brain juices flowing. Because I love bagels and I love coffee. And having no TV in front of me is pretty beneficial.

Anywho, that’s not the point of this post.

The point is that I used to be terrified of bagels. Not terrified that they’d come to life and attack me with their doughy lips, but that their carb-y goodness would turn my body into some sort of blobby, inefficient excuse.

Of course they didn’t. And today I happily chewed down my bagel slathered with copious amounts of honey-walnut cream cheese. And it was delicious.

And then I started thinking to myself…why was I ever afraid of a food? Afraid of the insane amount of knowledge I need to understand by Wednesday? Sure. But a bagel? Um…yeah. That makes no sense. They’re delicious. They fuel my brain. They fuel my running. Basically, they’re just awesome. And I’m awesome. So by that logic, me eating a bagel is awesomeness squared.

Were you ever “afraid” of any food? How did you overcome that fear?

{I realize that “fear” of food is not normal. And that way too many of us girls struggle from it. And that I want to “get better”, whatever that means. So in order to cope with my disordered eating habits, I will be making a series of posts like this. Simply because I’ve discovered that “talking it out” and getting feedback helps me immensely.)

Friday love list: Busy, busy bee edition

I cannot express how ecstatic I am that today is the most perfect day of the week. It’s Friday! I feel like I have been running around like a crazy person every single day this week and spending every spare second of my day trying to get something accomplished. Granted, I accomplished quite a bit but being so productive is exhausting after a while! My body is screaming, “hey crazy lady, take a break!” And that is fully what I intend to do this weekend: spend lots of time relaxing in my pajamas, eating cinnamon buns, running, and prepping for the week ahead. Does that not sound blissful?

It’s Friday, and I’m in love with:

Getting to sleep until 8:30 am. After 3 early mornings in a row, I’m thankful to be able to sleep in.

More free time. No clinic hours, only one class, only one afternoon meeting. Life is good.

The beautiful weather. Dragging myself around campus is much easier when it’s warm out.

Getting to sit on my couch and do absolutely nothing

The fact that I have no classes or meetings for 2 day. I may have a lot of work to this weekend, but I have no schedule!

Getting a short week next week (I’m going out of town Thursday and Friday!)

Panera smoothies. I have a free one on my myPanera card and I cannot wait to indulge!

Cinnamon buns, scones, and pizza…the diet of a tired and busy student

I don’t know that I have any plans for tonight but that doesn’t even matter. I am so completely and utterly thankful that it’s Friday!!!

How I got through my sleepy Monday

1. Unlimited refills at Panera. Heck yes. Alright, so I only had 1/2 of a mug with caffeinated coffee and all of my other mugs were filled with decaf, but the act of drinking coffee seems to have a placebo effect on me. And it makes studying that much less painful.

2. Stretch Island smooshed fruit. Seriously, this stuff is delicious.

3. A blueberry scone. Do I really need to explain this one?

3. The promise of Jimmy John’s for dinner and cross-wording with the boy later. I’ve been told on multiple accounts that loving crosswords makes me an old fuddy duddy but I will never let them go!

4. A nice, easy, longish run. Okay, so it was only a 10k. But 6 miles is basically my limit at this point, simply because of time and weather constraints.

5. Repeating to myself, “if I study now I can relax later”. Um, yeah. The scone worked better than this but I did manage to get quite a bit of studying done during lunch. Huzzah for me.

How do you get through sleepy days that you know will be crazy and hectic? Apparently I bribe myself with sandwiches and sugar…

{This just in! Janae is having the awesomest giveaway ever!}

What it takes to recover

Usually when I talk about recovery, I’m referring to recovering from running.

But after last night’s drink-capades, my poor body needed some yummy TLC and a run.

So I ran 5 miles (I started at a 9:30 pace and increased by 1 mile per hour every o.5 mile, ending with a “sprint” at a 7:30 pace). And then I ate the most delicious broccoli and cheddar soup known to man with a crusty hunk of whole grain bread (that sounds like something I’d call a man…you are such a crusty hunk of whole grain bread, baby).

The soup was followed up by a HUGE hazelnut coffee with 2% milk. Currently, my super jittery body is regretting that purchase but as I was sitting at Panera working on a research paper proposal, I felt as if I didn’t infuse my body with some caffeine I’d keel over. Standing in line was torturous. I kept repeating “don’t tip over” to myself.

To counter the caffeine jitters, I mixed myself up a bowl of Greek yogurt & Annie’s bunny grahams. I’m feeling *almost* human again. And the plans for tonight are: hot shower, veggie pot pie for dinner, and hitting the hay early.

How do you recover from a rough day or night?

I really do not know how people can go out and drink every night. My body is rebelling and my mind is suffering (I’ve been trying to think of the word ‘livestock’ since 1:00 this afternoon and it only just came to me…win, fo sho [insert eye roll here]) after only one scandalous night. But I will say it was wonderful to see old friends and do something out of my box.

{Oh, and my ring was never found. I’m disappointed. I wasn’t so much attached to the ring itself, but what it represented: my relationship with the boy. As soon as I discovered that it likely never show up again, I ordered a replacement}